Wow!!! So many rainbows 😊. Thank you….!

Hello Parents and welcome to another yoga newsletter! Today it’s all about relaxation and practicing our awareness/focus. The exercise is called white light a guided fantasy exercise, which helps the children develop their body awareness in a relax state, after all a relaxed child equals relaxed and happy parents. 

Let’s begin! Have the children sit or lie on the floor and put some calm music on. Ask them to close their eyes, and instruct them as follows,

  • Put a towel or eye mask over the eyes to really help them focus
  • Feel your breathing becoming slow and regular
  • Put your attention on a spot above your head and imagine a white light shining there
  • This light make you feel happy and calm
  • First you feel the white light in your head then it flows down into your throat, chest and your heart
  • Now you can feel the light in your shoulders
  • Now the light flows down your arms to your fingers
  • Now you feel the white light flowing through your whole body
  • It makes you feel safe and warm
  • You are getting more and more relaxed


This exercise can last between 5 to 10 minutes. After you finish talking, let the little ones lie there for a few more minutes. Then, you can ask them to start moving gently and stretch out. Ask them how they feel now, do they feel a little relaxed? Maybe they found it difficult to concentrate, that’s ok because even for adults this can be a challenge. It`s all about developing mental focus on each part of the body, which results in a calm mindful state of mind.  Have a lovely day!

I hope you are all keeping well, most of us have established a pretty good routine by now??!!!

Part of our routine is an egg delivery service! Manfred and Ella ride to the local farm to buy eggs for us and our neighbours! So, I get to indulge in one of my favourite activities-Baking!



Manfred and Ella doing the ´egg round`

 My Favourite recipe – Lemon drizzle cake


Cooking time: 35 mins/180°C Fan oven

Ingredients: 3 large eggs, 170g flour, 170g sugar, 170g soft butter, 3 tsp baking powder, lemon zest grated.

Topping: juice of 1 lemon, 113g sugar



  • Preheat the oven.
  • Line a loaf tin with baking parchment
  • Mix all ingredients together
  • Bake for 35mins
  • Prepare topping 
  •  Poke holes over the cake using a skewer    
  • Drizzle topping over the still warm cake
  • Leave to cool


 Enjoy best with a cup of tea!  

Idee für euch Eltern!

Einmal aus dem stressigen Alltag ausbrechen und die Natur und Ruhe genießen. Der Terminkalender lässt es oft nicht zu und es plagt einem das schlechte Gewissen, dass man nicht genügend Zeit mit seinem Kind/ seinen Kindern verbringen kann.

Deshalb gerade jetzt mit seinen Lieben die schönen Seiten der Natur entdecken! Raus aus dem oft zu hektischen Alltag.

Nun ist eine gute Gelegenheit, sich bewusst Zeit für Dinge zu nehmen, die sonst zu kurz kommen. Tankt gemeinsam mit der Familie neue Energie und schickt uns Fotos was ihr in der Natur neues entdecken könnt. Natürlich unterstützen wir die Kampagne stay at home, ab und zu muss man dann aber dennoch nach draußen an die frische Luft (gerade wenn es vielleicht keinen eigenen Garten gibt).

Keep calm and play on!